Understanding abuse and neglect
We do not know and understand all the causes of child abuse and neglect, but we do know that parenting is a big responsibility. At times, parenting combined with other life stresses can break down healthy coping skills and lead to abuse and neglect of children and youth. Learning how to identify the different types of abuse and neglect will help you feel more confident in reporting your concerns.
If you suspect that a child or youth is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed, please contact us and report your concerns right away.
Understanding abuse and neglect
We do not know and understand all the causes of child abuse and neglect, but we do know that parenting is a big responsibility. At times, parenting combined with other life stresses can break down healthy coping skills and lead to abuse and neglect of children and youth. Learning how to identify the different types of abuse and neglect will help you feel more confident in reporting your concerns.
If you suspect that a child or youth is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed, please contact us and report your concerns right away.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse happens when a parent or another person in charge inflicts physical injury to a child 18 years of age or under. Physical harm that results from inadequate care, failure to supervise or protect the child or caused by a pattern of neglect by the person in charge is also physical abuse.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse occurs when a parent or another person in charge causes emotional harm to a child 18 years of age or under. Emotional abuse may be caused by verbal abuse, mental abuse, psychological abuse or exposure to domestic violence. Emotional abuse is often demonstrated by anxiety, depression, withdrawal, self-destructive or aggressive behaviour or delayed development. Failing to protect a child under one’s care from emotional harm or denying services or treatment is also emotional abuse.
Sexual abuse
Sexual abuse happens when a parent or another person in charge sexually molests or uses a child 18 years of age or under for sexual purposes. Knowingly failing to protect a child under one’s care from sexual molestation or sexual exploitation is also sexual abuse.
Neglect happens when a parent or someone in charge of a child 18 years of age or under does not provide for the child’s physical, developmental, emotional or psychological needs. Neglect includes failure to provide proper food, medical care, clothing suitable for the weather, supervision, a clean and safe home, affection and emotional support.
Abandonment happens when a parent has died or is unavailable to exercise his or her custodial rights over the child 18 years of age or under. It may be that the parent hasn’t made adequate provision for the child’s care and custody. It may also be when a child is in a residential placement and the parent refuses, is unable or unwilling to resume the child’s care and custody.